Wallpaper quantity calculator

Wallpaper Quantity Calculator

Our wallpaper calculator has been designed to help you determine how many rolls of your chosen wallpaper you need to order. Simply enter your dimensions, and let us calculate the rest. This calculator makes allowances for the pattern repeat and trims along the top and bottom for you too.

However, this calculator does not make allowances for uneven or sloping walls, nor have reductions been made for doors and windows. For large openings, you may wish to adjust your dimensions before entering them into the calculator.

Enter your measurements and wallpaper details below and the calculator will tell you the amount of wallpaper required.

Add up the width of all walls to be covered, at their widest point. Example: 380cm + 450cm + 380cm + 460cm = 1670cm
Measure from top of skirting (if applicable) to ceiling or coving.
Pattern repeat affects quantity required. You can find it on each wallpaper product page in the product details section.
The standard roll width is 52cm, but this can vary. You can find the width of your chosen wallpaper on the product page in the product details section.
Nearly all wallpapers sold by the roll are 10.05m in length. You can find roll length on each Wallpaper product page in the product details section.
Most wallpapers are sold by roll. If your chosen wallpaper is sold by the metre, this will be clear on the product page.
Calculation based on:
  • An additional 10cm (4in) allowance has been added per drop for trimming the top and bottom.
  • Assuming part widths may be used elsewhere.
  • We have not allowed extra for uneven or sloping walls
  • No reductions have been made for doors and windows - for large openings only you may wish to adjust your dimensions.

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